Friday 26 October 2012

Cheap make-up

As a very broke student I love super cheap make-up! I actually really like the cheap make-up I use. Commonly with cheap make-up products they don't last long, they always have the little number in the mark that looks like a recycling logo. Maybe with more expensive make-up they last longer so you need to buy less, I think the costs all even up anyway. I used to really love "expensive" make-up, my favourite brand is Estee Lauder, I used to be in love with every beauty product Dior sold, however I prefer cheaper brands that sell at drug stores. I like simple things, that just do the job!

Collection 2000 is one of my favourite brands! Their stuff is simple and just does the job. I just looked at how long the products last, the pressed powder is for 24 months, that is not that bad. I think so far I have bought one every year, just because when you get to the end and you see the middle really wearing away, I dropped it and it broke, however I think it would be really good as loose powder, I should buy a container and crush it even more and use it as loose powder - I'm such a superscrimper! May as well make the most of something! 

The mascara is only for 6 months but if you use it daily you'll most likely need a new one around that time. The eye liner is also 6 months. I recently got the eyeliner and it really stays on your face. I went out one night, got home drunk so I just knocked out in bed, forgetting to take my make up off, it was still there the next morning! 
Another little disgusting thing ill tell you about me; that morning I decided not to take my make-up off before my shower because I wouldn't get it all, then ill get out the shower looking like a panda and need to clean my face again! So I showered with my make-up form the night before on, also I hate getting water in my face so my face didn't actually get wet while in the shower. I got into my room and thought I would look like a panda, it was still there! It looked fine, I have no idea what is in that eyeliner but it really does stay!

Natural Collection is really good. I don't think it would stay well on my face if it wasn't for a good base underneath. I love the colour of this.

My most recent purchase of cheap make-up is the MUA blusher. I got it this week and I've only used it twice but its so nice. I loved the peachy colour.

All the products I got from British drug stores, Superdrugs or Boots.

The Collection 2000 mascara is about £1.99. In London they've recently put the prices up so its over £2. I wasn't happy about that, lucky my university is out of London so its cheaper buying it at the shops here. The collection 2000 pressed powder I cant remember how much it was but cant be over £3. I think the eyeliner was about £2, not so sure on that.

I cant remember the price of the natural collecion blusher. The MUA blusher cost me £1!

I think the majority of MUA's products were about £1, all their single eye shadows are, eye pencils, blushers and bronzers! This is the first of their products I've bought so I don't know if the other products are any good.

I also bought a brown eyebrow pencil with a brush on the other side from MUA, also was £1. I have still yet to try it, I hope it is good!

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