Tuesday 6 November 2012

VO5 - Plump it up

A while ago I purchased the VO5 Plump it up, Amplifying Blow Dry Lotion. I have used it a few times and the first time I used it I liked it, It did "plump" my hair a little. Personally I don't think it works all that well. You're meant to spray it on damp hair then blow dry.

The bottle indicates that it has a new fragrance and I do really like the smell of it. I think that's why I use it, it smells nice. 

I have found a better use for it though, to get rid of my frizz! I always get a little bit of frizzy hair once I blow dry so I have used the Plump it up spray on my hair after its dry. It does seem to get rid of my frizz a bit.

I do like the smell but I don't think I'll be buying this again. 

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