Monday 12 November 2012

My Jewellery!

I love making jewellery in my free time. I really enjoy just sitting down in front of the t.v and making bracelets. Bracelets have to be the one item of jewellery that I really love, they're not too fussy. I do prefer them over necklaces and earrings! I have blogged previously about how I like to make paper beads, then turn those into bracelets, but I just wanted to show the bracelets I've made with bought beads too.

The pictures above are of paper bead bracelets. They are all varnished with matt varnish. The smaller beads take much longer to make but look really good!

The green bracelet is made using all class beads and the purple bracelet is made using large glass beads and large glass pearl effect beads, then smaller plastic pearl effect beads. 

These are plastic beads. I made a lot and put them all on and noticed this diagonal pattern, I just had to take a picture! 

The top four bracelets are clear and blue, the second two are blue and green. The next four are light blue and blue breads, finally the last five are red and clear. I love contrasting colours. The plastic bracelets above are all made with purple coloured elastic. I think it's such a nice pop of colour when you're stretching the bracelet a little to put it on. 

I have many many more I have made, various types, beads and material. I always use silver plated fastening and findings. I also make a lot of elasticated bracelets. I made of of these bracelets during the summer, June - August. Unfortunately since I've started university again I haven't found the time to make more. These pictures were all taken around August/September time. 

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