Friday 21 September 2012

Paper Beads

Making paper beads is my favourite pass time. They are really simple to do and you can make them in so many different colours. I always use old magazine pages from glossy fashion mags, the paper quality is really good so the beads are easy to roll and come out well. Coloured magazine paper really gives off a different effect too. I love working with really bright pages. When I make a whole page worth of beads I always match the similar looking patterns and colours together to create bracelets with. I usually varnish my beads when they're done. I used a matt varnish and if I want the beads to be glossy I use clear nail polish.

Here are some I made with black and white paper. I love the different tones and variations in colour each bead has.

I love making my own jewellery so I use the paper beads to use in the bracelets. Here the paper beads are varnished and I have used square beads like spacers.

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