Thursday 1 November 2012


So this year... I went as a half skeleton. I went out to my university, they have a club-like-thing on campus. My uni is out of London so to me it's in the middle of nowhere.

I went out with a few friends, overall I had a good time. I did get a few weird looks. At one point a girl saw me then told all her friends to look at me too. That was really strange. Hope it wasn't because I looked bad. I was going for the scary look.

It took loads of layers to get the look I wanted. I used cream based face paint; black and white. Using the black first, then the white for the highlights, where my bones are. I then blended the harsh lines together and used eye shadow to make the face paint more matt. I then chose to use black glittery eye shadow in the black areas.

I did use YouTube tutorials to help me, so I know where to put the face paint and make-up.

I was really worried that the face paint wouldn't come off. I had an assessment at university today, so I really needed it to. Lucky it did all come off, almost with one face wipe but I did have to use more.

This is a really bad picture of me, isn't very clear. This was me at the end of the night, about 3am here. I'm shocked that the face paint all stayed. I extended the skeleton look down my neck and one of my collar bones.

The white, went more grey, mainly because of all the blending. 

Really bad picture but the rest I have aren't so clear, If I do find a better one I shall post it! 

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